Illustrations & Cie

Ma blanche colombe - 1937, le bombardement de Guernica

Paloma et ses parents ont quitté l’Espagne à cause de la guerre.

Dans l'atelier de Jean Dubuffet

Au pas de course, suivons Jean Dubuffet dans son atelier. Il y voyage, vagabonde, crée toutes sortes de mirages.

Sortie de joueur (Player's escape)

What happens when a rugby player escapes from a painting by Henri Rousseau. It all starts at the New York Guggenheim Museum...

Une girafe sur le toit du monde (A Giraffe on the top of the world)

The meeting in the African savannah of a giraffe and Sükh, who has come from the land of celestial mountains by hot air balloon.

le cirque poète (The Rhyming Circus)

Come ladies and gentlemen ! The show will begin !

Biscoto n°3_Mister Mystère


Marché de la Poésie de Namur

Les éditions A pas de loups seront présentes !

Saturday, 17 October, 2015 to Sunday, 18 October, 2015

Sortie de joueur Atelier

Up to 5.

Workshop of illustration.

In frame of the event "La Fureur de Lire 2015".

Sunday, 11 October, 2015 - 11:00 to 12:30

Coming soon !

A new book soon ! It calls "Sortie de joueur" : Player's escape.

Thursday, 8 October, 2015

When elephants, ants and wolves rendez-vous in the forest of the Wolf...

When the new book "Sortie de joueur" is released at "A pas de loups Publications", I will be offering an illustration workshop in the footsteps of "Douanier Rousseau" in New York.

Tuesday, 22 September, 2015 - 14:00 to 17:00

Exhibition of tactile books at the "Ianchelevici" Museum's MuséOshop

MuseOshop prolongs your visit to the museum with a space dedicated to the applied arts. Utilitarian objects or pure creations are displayed and sold at affordable prices.

Friday, 11 September, 2015 to Monday, 11 January, 2016

Session week : on tracks of Tomi Ungerer

From the adventures of the Mellops family, to those of les Trois Brigands (The Three Robbers), Nuage bleu (Blue Cloud) , Jean de la lune (John of the moon), through to the adventures of Crictor the

Monday, 27 July, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, 31 July, 2015 - 16:00

One book : one surprise !

A course for children aged 4 to 6 years. They will have fun imagining, creating and producing lots of little books with all sorts of different materials.

Monday, 13 July, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, 17 July, 2015 - 16:00

"A pas de loups" blows out its first birthday candle

It is the birthday of "A pas de loups Publications"! 1 year, 12 books !
We will celebrate year one of "A pas de loups" on Saturday, 27th June at the "La Licorne" bookshop.

Saturday, 27 June, 2015 - 14:00

Cuistax at Candide

Signatures and little workshop around Cuistax n°5!
At the bookstore Candide : mercredi 10 juin de 15:00 à 17:00

Librairie Candide
Place G. Brugman, 1
1050, Bruxelles

Wednesday, 10 June, 2015 - 15:00 to 17:00


BRUXIVERSEL, an exhibition of unusual countries!

Sunday, 15 March, 2015 - 15:30 to Sunday, 12 April, 2015 - 18:00



For children from 7 to 12 years old.

Monday, 16 February, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, 20 February, 2015 - 16:00

A 'collage' workshop

Fortunately of Remy Charlip

Every public - from 4 years

Sunday, 8 February, 2015 - 11:00 to 12:30
