La rencontre-atelier dans la classe de Mr Philippe Schotte à l'école de Heembeek a été l'occasion de revisiter un chef d'oeuvre du XXème siècle, Guernica de Pablo Picasso.
«Bonjour, je m’appelle Albert Herter ; un triste matin d’août 1914, j’ai vu mon fils partir à la guerre. J’eus le mauvais pressentiment qu’il allait mourir au combat.»
Welcome in the album of our garden!
We created this autumn.
The book "Small goddesses and small gods" (Petites déesses et petits dieux) from Isabelle Simon inspired us and as in this one, we were in search of magic characters who populate forests around our school.
« Jardin secret » ( Secret garden) is an educational project of artistic creation thought to make children sensitive to the ecology and to the environment.
As part of the commemoration of the First World War, a 6th year primary class and their teacher (Pascale Denis), at Calevoet School in Uccle, have created a book about a local Resistance fighter, Edith Cavell.