Illustrations & Cie

Monday, 3 March, 2014 - 09:00 to Friday, 7 March, 2014 - 16:00

Imaginary Archaeology

Do you dream of being ”Indiana Jones”, an archaeologist who discovers an ancient civilisation? Do you dream about watching dinosaurs, looking at maps and Egyptian pyramids? Well this course is for you! We will invent an alphabet, make painted vases, small sculptures, paintings and plenty of other objects that would have come from a human community having lived a very long time ago on the same land as us. What objects have they left us to decipher: small sculptures, scriptures engraved or painted in stone, fragments of vases, amulets, totems, musical instruments? Dig, write, draw, paint, build, dream... This course will be a springboard for your imagination !
Carnival Course - from 6 to 12 year olds

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