Illustrations & Cie
Monday, 28 October, 2013 - 09:00 to Thursday, 31 October, 2013 - 12:00

Le voyage de Râma : une épopée indienne (The journey of Râma : an Indian epic)

As part of the Indian Europalia cultural exhibition from October 2013 to January 2014.
The objective of this course is to introduce children to Indian art through one of the two great epic tales of sacred Hindu literature : the “Ramayana”.

The tale of Rama, attributed to the legendary sage Valkimi, is teeming with exciting adventures, populated by a bestiary of antilopes, bears, monkeys...
A small book will be created, illustrating a selected episode in the story of Rama. Consisting of miniatures in the tradition of Indian imagery, it recounts a passage from the life of this hero from the past, Rama. We use natural pigments, mineral and plant, like the Indian artists did.
Summary of the Ramayana : The Ramayana tells the story of Rama, one of four sons of the King Dasharatha, in Ayodhya. Following a promise made by the King to Rama's stepmother, he must leave for a fourteen year long exile into the forest, with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana. He fights demons (Raksasa). Ravana, the master of demonic creatures, threatens the couple's happiness and takes Sita. The epic then begins : Rama leaves in search of Sita. He is helped by Subriva, the Monkey King, and by the faithful Aluman, the son of the wind, to find Sita in Lanka. A cosmic battle takes place between Rama, helped by his army of monkeys and bears, and Ravana. Rama defeats Ravana and returns with Sita to Ayodhya…

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